Here are some recent science communication (SciComm) highlights from our research team!
Warming spring temperatures and invasive shrubs may be changing how our forest floors look in the spring. Read about our research “Studying the future forest health at Barking Slopes” in the Allegheny Land Trust VISTA newsletter.
Want to know more about the intersection of invasive species and haute cuisine? Listen to an interview with Gastropod hosts about the promise and peril of managing invasive species by eating them.
Popular Press Publications & Online Commentary
The Allegheny Front radio program by WESA-NPR Affiliate Radio Program. Interviewed for “Spring is here, but is nature in sync?” aired on March 20, 2020 and March 26, 2021.
McDonough MacKenzie C, RS Barak, S Bayer, M Bletz, MW Brunson, J Dudney, OG Gaoue, JL Gill, A Harris, S Kuebbing, BM McGill, MA Nocco, RK Tonietto, ML Vahsen and EF Waring. 2020. Plant Love Stories: Share your story and grow a movement. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 101:e01663
McDonough MacKenzie C**, S Kuebbing**, RS Barak, M Bletz, J Dudney, BM McGill, MA Nocco, T Young, RK Tonietto. 2019. Letter to the Editor: We do not want to “cure plant blindness”, we want to grow plant love. Plants, People, Planet 1:139-141. **joint first authors
Undiscovered Podcast by Science Friday and WNYC Studios. Interviewed for “Plants and Prejudice” aired on 2 October 2018.
Kuebbing S. #MYSCICOMM: Sara Kuebbing. June 20, 2018. Ecological Society of America Communication and Engagement Section Blog.
Kuebbing S along with 19 colleagues. April 2018. Official public comment in response to Secretary Zinke of the US Department of the Interior reviewing the size and status of 27 National Monuments around the United States.
Kuebbing S. Love Jade. March 14, 2018 Plant Love Stories.
Kuebbing S, Serbesoff-King K, Randall J.2015. Research scientists advise land managers to adopt practices they have already used for over two decades: a “knowing-doing” gap and how to fix it. Science Chronicles, The Nature Conservancy.
SimberloffD, S Kuebbing, MA Nuñez, and R Dimarco. 2014. Why eating invasive species is a bad idea: gastronomy is no silver bullet for controlling invasive species Ensia, September 9, 2014.
On The Environment Podcast, Yale Center for Environmental Law & Policy, Guest Interviewer: Megan Parker, Working Dogs for Conservation (Episode 30), Prof. Daniel Simberloff, University of Tennessee (Episode 31).
Kuebbing SE. 2014. Homegrown energy and homeland security. Guest Blogger for On The Environment, Yale Center for Environmental Law & Policy.
Galperin, JU and SE Kuebbing. 2013. Eating Invaders: Managing Biological Invasion with Fork and Knife? Natural Resources & Environment, Vol 28. No 2.
Kuebbing SE, JU Galperin, and MA Nuñez. 2013. Book Review: Jackson Landers, Eating Aliens. Biological Invasions15:2811-2813.
Kuebbing S.2013. Like zombies, invasive species come in multiples. Science Chronicles, The Nature Conservancy. May Issue.
Pfennigwerth, A and S Kuebbing. 2012. Direct costs associated with invasive non-native plants in Tennessee. Wildland WeedsSummer/Fall Issue p 4-6.
Kuebbing S, D Dittrich-Reed, J Galperin, I Juric, and R Bernard. 2012. Evolution found uncontroversial. Letter to the Editor, The Daily Beacon.
Kuebbing S,D Simberloff and JA Lockwood. 2011. Opinion: Species Origins DO Matter! The Scientist.
Joey, Rachel, Jess, Marion, Sara , Aviva, and Meyer greet shoppers at their Market Science booth at the Bloomfield Farmer’s Market (October 2019)
Joey presents his knotweed research at the Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting in Louisville, KY (August 2019)
Rachel and Lauren teach visitors to the Phipps BioBlitz about nonnative, invasive plants (July 2019)
Rachel presents her resaerhc on nonnative plant phenolog at the iDigBio Conferences in New Haven, CT (June 2019)
Native species seed bombs at our booth at the Carnegie Science Center, 2018